Thursday, December 20, 2012

Flipped Learning & Democratic Education: The Complete Report

I recently completed the Flipped Learning & Democratic Education research study as part of the integrative project (think "thesis") for my MA program at Teachers College, Columbia University.  If interested, here is a link to the complete study:

Flipped Learning & Democratic Education (Complete Study)

Here are some highlights from the research:

Democratic Elements of Flipped Learning
  • Personalization Through Differentiation, Asynchronous Pacing, & Student Choice
  • Social Interaction & Student Expression
  • Active & Experiential Learning Experiences
  • Equitable Access to Instruction 
  • Promotion of Student Initiative & Ownership of Learning
  • Development of Critical Thinking & Collaborative Problem Solving
Results From Student & Educator Survey
  • 78% of students have more frequent and positive interactions with their teacher.
  • 79% of students have more frequent and positive interactions with peers in class.
  • 80% of students have greater access to course materials and instruction.
  • 79% of students have a greater opportunity to work at their own pace.
  • 69% of students are more likely to have choice regarding what learning tasks they engage in.
  • 76% of students have more choice regarding how they demonstrate their learning.
  • 66% of students are more likely to engage in collaborative decision-making.
  • 70% of students are more likely to engage in critical thinking and problem solving.
  • 68% of students report that their teacher is more likely to take into account their strengths, weaknesses, and interests.
  • 83% of students report that their learning is more active and experiential.
  • 96% of teachers report that positive interactions with their students have increased.
  • 84%  of teachers report that interactions between student and student have increased.
  • 96% of teachers report that instruction has become more differentiated and personalized. 

      Brief Conclusion

      The flipped model, along with a supportive school environment that values 21st century skills, student inquiry, and effective leveraging of new technologies, has considerable potential and promise of improving and democratizing education in a profound way. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Two Views of Flipped-Mastery in Action

I recently came across the following video by Karl Lindren-Streicher (@kls4711) on his excellent blog which provides a look inside his flipped-mastery social studies class.   I recently posted a video of my own flipped-mastery course, so it was great to see what a fellow educator's class looked like from the inside.

Below is Karl's time-lapse video, which is followed by the one I created a few weeks ago.  You will notice some commonalities between the two, students are active and engaged!  We did not record "our best lecture," but instead captured students engaged in various learning tasks.  You will also notice that Karl is able to spend a considerable amount of the class time talking with students and helping them individually as they work through their assignments.  This is one of, if not the most, important advantage of flipped learning practices.

A Day in a Flipped History Class (by Karl Lindren-Streicher)

Flipped Mastery in Social Studies (by Tom Driscoll

Monday, December 3, 2012

Survey Results Are In: Flipped Learning & Democratic Education

The "Flipped Learning & Democratic Education" survey is complete and I am in the final revision stages of the research.  Until I post the completed study (hopefully in the next week or two), here are the results from both the student and educator surveys.  In all, they were completed by 203 students and 26 educators from across the nation. 

Student Survey Results 

Instructions provided to students on the live form:

“Responses below are based upon your experience in this course when compared to others.” 

Educator Survey Results

Educators Profiles

Instructions provided to educators on the live form:

“Since incorporating principles of flipped learning…”