Saturday, February 23, 2013

Online Assessments Using Google Forms

For those of us searching for the best way to develop and deliver online assessments, the options out there often seem limitless.  This is not to mention that most, if not all, learning management systems have some type of built-in assessment application.

I have nonetheless come to the conclusion that, for now at least, my best option is to use Google forms along with the Flubaroo script.  This provides the flexibility to link or embed assessments into any web page (or LMS). It also offers analytic tools for data collection and item-analysis. 

Here is a quick tutorial of how to create self-grading assessments using Google Forms and the Flubaroo script.   I hope this helps, if you have any questions please let me know!

Friday, February 8, 2013

5 Minute Guide to Screencasting

Our PHS students are currently developing screencast presentations, so I thought what better way to model this skill than by making a screencast tutorial of, you guessed it, how to make a screencast.

After presenting last week at a Flipped Learning Workshop in Braintree, MA, I also realized how useful a quick guide would be for educators.

Here I demonstrate the use of Screencast-O-Matic, a simple (and free) web-based screencasting software.  Although I develop my screencasts (including this one) with Camtasia Studio, which I highly recommend as well, Screencast-O-Matic is a great tool for students and teachers who are just starting out with screencasting.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Flipped Learning PD - Braintree, MA

This past week, fellow social studies teacher Brian Germain and I were fortunate enough to conduct an introductory flipped learning workshop for Braintree Public Schools (Braintree, MA).  We filmed the session and have posted it below for anyone interested.  I have also included a link to the Google Presentation shown in the video.  I hope this helps educators interested in flipping or those experienced flippers who would like to hear our take on the concept, its principles, and basic implemntation techniques.

Link to Google Presentation
Link to Workshop Video