Friday, May 31, 2013

Student Screencasting Examples

Many educators in the flipped learning community have started experimenting with student screencasting.  I thought I would provide a few examples here from my students at PHS.

Most students used screencast-o-matic, which is both free and relatively simple.  Students who possessed more advanced tech skills, or those who were more heavily invested in their projects, were given the chance to use Camtasia Studio along with quality podcasting equipment.

Here is a screencast as part of a PHS student's 20 Time project.  He is learning how to do voice-over productions for his project, so he offered to provide narration for my "20 Time Intro Presentation."  I think he did an excellent job!

I have also compiled a playlist of students who presented their research projects via screencast video.  Here is one example but you can CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE ENTIRE PLAYLIST