Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Flipped Social Studies eSeminar August 23rd

I invite readers to join me as I host a free eSeminar (webinar) on August 23rd at 1pm called "Flipped Social Studies." This eSeminar will introduce participants to the ways that social studies teachers are tailoring the flipped class approach to the types of instruction and student learning particular to this discipline. The event is for all social studies teachers interested in sharing flipped learning experiences with others, as well as those who are just beginning to explore the ins and outs of flipping a social studies class.

Although the live eSeminar only runs from 1-2pm, there is an accompanying platform (course) to collaborate with others and access resources.  I encourage those who are considering attending to join the free "course" ahead of time to view the resources and familiarize yourself with the layout. (The LMS platform used for this is EDUonGO).  You may also ask questions and post comments in the discussion stream before, during and after the eSeminar.  If there are any particular topics that you would like addressed, feel free to post a comment in the course or to this blog.

 Click Here to Join the Flipped Social Studies eSeminar "Course"
(Main eSeminar Page)

     Proposed Agenda (Flexible Based Upon Attendees Interests)
  1. What is Flipped Learning?
  2. Flipping Social Studies
  3. PHS Case Study
  4. Cross-Country Tour of Flipped Social Studies Teachers
  5. Q & A
  6. Joining the Flipped Social Studies Community
I hope many of you will be able to attend!  If you are not available during that time, which is completely understandable during the hectic end-of-summer days, I hope you can join the course and collaborate with others in the flipped social studies community.

*** The live eSeminar will be recorded and archived within the course for those who are not available at that specific time. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Student Collaboration with Google Apps

Although PHS is not a Google Apps school (yet), students in my social studies courses spent considerable time effectively collaborating with these tools throughout the year.  They worked together to develop presentations, write and revise research papers, and even engage in Hangouts when necessary (and sometimes when not, but they are kids right?)

Here is a very brief video that my AP European History students put together explaining how they utilize Google Docs in class. (Click Here to View on YouTube)

I feel that this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding collaboration with Google Apps.  There are so many innovate ways to learn with these tools, the possibilities seem limitless.  I look forward to diving back into it this fall and learning along with the students.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Flipped History Hangout 7/17/13

I had the opportunity (despite my late arrival) to have another great conversation with Karl Lindgren-Streicher, David Fouch, and Jason Bretzmann.  We discussed various topics such as: summer conferences, upcoming workshops and presentations, and plans for next year regarding flipped learning and our courses.  David also proposed a great new closing segment for our chats involving "beverage" reviews.  The chat archive is embedded below.

(View on YouTube) 

If interested in past discussions, check out the chat archive dating back to July of 2012. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

ISTE 2013 Closing Keynote, Adam Bellow: You're Invited to Change the World

Although attending this year's ISTE conference was not in the cards, I tried to keep an ear to the rail (mostly through Twitter) regarding the great learning and professional collaboration that accompanied the event.

I recently came across Adam Bellow's closing keynote and was both amazed and inspired.  I spared you a lengthy commentary about my takeaways from the speech and instead embedded it below in its entirety.  I highly suggest that you set aside some time to view it, even if it is in a few 10-15 minute chunks.  Trust me, it will be worth it! (p.s. his speech starts at about the 22:00 mark).