There are, however, ways that you can design your unit that will make flipped-mastery manageable for both you and your students. The unit template below is one that has not only helped me wrap my head around each unit, but has helped students conceptualize their skill progression and make sense of their learning.
There were many influences on this document. First, it is firmly grounded in backward design, or UbD, and mastery learning. I also drew inspiration from samples I had come across from Jon Bergmann and Brian Bennett. Both of these educators have had great success with this model, and much of that I'm sure has had to due with their ability to communicate to their students the learning expectations as well as their progress throughout the unit.
I will further explain each component of the unit plan in "Part 2," but for now, here is the link to the sample document. Feel free to use this as a model for your own unit design and of course let me know if you have any comments or questions about the document.
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