Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Flipped Mastery Discussion With Mike Bruckner

I recently had an incredible conversation with Mike Bruckner regarding Flipped Mastery, particularly how to structure and manage mastery learning.  In conversations leading up to our GHO, it was evident that Mike had put a tremendous amount of time and effort into understanding mastery learning as well as predicting some of the challenges that he would face during implementation.  I therefore thought that recording our conversation on air would prove helpful to many of those who shared similar interests, concerns, or general questions about the approach.

 Here are just a few of the topics that we covered:

Why Flipped Mastery?
Learning Goals
Assessments / Rubrics
Learning Experiences (Group Work)
Acclimating Students / Parents
Grading Systems

Here is the Google Document that we worked off of during our discussion, including commentary and helpful resources links.

The archived conversation is included below.  Please reach out to Mike and I if interested in Flipped Mastery or moving towards a mastery learning environment in general.  Mike is well on his way towards implementing a robust mastery system and is another great resource for anyone considering this approach.

View on YouTube

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