I am excited to be part of a team brought together by the US Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology to create an EdTech Developer's Guide over the next six weeks. The main goal of this initiative is to provide information and resources that will help developers gain a better understanding of the complex and evolving education landscape. This will, in turn, lead to more effective and meaningful technology integration as these products and services will better align with the needs of students and educators throughout the nation.
A section of this handbook will provide developers with "top ten lists" of connected educators, blogs, events, and podcasts. What better place to start creating these lists than to reach out to all of you in my incredible PLN!
We will start with connected educators. Who would you include in your top 10 list?
If you are interested in participating, please enter up to 10 (less is certainly ok) educators in the form below that you strongly believe we should include in the publication.
Form Link
I thank you for your contributions to this exciting new (and I believe incredibly valuable) project. I will continue reaching out over the next few weeks for more feedback and also for educators who are interested in contributing vignettes for the final publication.
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